In-House Ultrasound—Getting A Full Picture Of Your Critter’s Health

When the All Critters Veterinary Hospital team needs a more-thorough picture of what’s going on with your critter, we can rely on our in-house ultrasound machine. Images taken by an ultrasound machine give your veterinary team a detailed view of your critter’s internal organs that X-ray machines cannot. The images help locate, assess, and diagnose everything from blockages to abnormal growths.
Your Pet’s Ultrasound—What to expect
This painless, non-invasive imaging process is performed from start to finish by Dr. Valerius and his team—from taking the images, reading them, and getting the results to you right away.
Getting a glimpse at your critter’s internal systems may be prompted by results from their bloodwork or after a thorough discussion and examination during their wellness appointment. This safe imaging technique is an outpatient procedure that only takes about an hour, meaning you'll be back at home with your critter in time for treats and sweet bedtime routines. It does require a mild sedative—to keep your pet calm and still—but not full anesthesia. Once we have the results, we’ll use the answers to work out the next steps.

Happily Taking Outside Critter Referrals
We care about all critters in our community and surrounding areas, so we're happy to work with clients referred to us by their regular veterinarians. Once we receive a client's referral, we'll schedule an appointment to review their pet's record. We'll always provide the same quality care, ensuring they receive the results and diagnosis fast, without needing continued care with our team.
Safe, Fast Results for You and Your Pet
We’re here for your critter when we need a closer look at what makes them tick. Give us a call, send us a text, or request an appointment online, and we’ll get the answers you need with our in-house ultrasound imagery.