pet bird.

Building a bond with an exotic pet may not follow the same path as, say, a cat or dog. However, establishing and maintaining a friendship with an exotic pet is not only possible, but the experience may enrich the lives of both owner and exotic pet. 

Getting to Know Them

Each exotic pet has their own unique likes and dislikes. Spending time with them is the best way to begin providing items that interest them. It can take time, and a process of elimination, to finally land on a balanced approach to their habitat, diet, enrichment activities, socialization, security, and more.   

Take It Slow

Depending on the pet, they might take it slow in the beginning. They may be reclusive, quiet, and even reluctant to get acquainted with their new surroundings. This is an important opportunity to quietly observe them when they hunt, eat, sleep, and display some behavioral patterns you may or may not see again. As they learn to trust their new owners, exotic pets will relax and begin to show their real colors. 

Essential Tips for Training Exotoic Pets

Never force any interactions with them until they display a level of ease and comfort in your company. Since most pets are highly motivated by food, add tasty treats or foods to your invitations for careful handling and closer contact. If you have a pet that relishes live crickets, for example, or a bird that loves oranges, use these to your advantage. They will eventually associate your company with high-value food experiences. 

Exotic Pet Activities

If you work at keeping them entertained and active, your exotic pet will enjoy their time with you even more. Be careful not to interrupt their sleep cycles or meal times. Find a time of day that suits them. As they accept being handled more often, you can extend periods of playtime or closeness. Always watch for any signs of struggling, stress, or fear

Keep Up the Good Times

Life can become humdrum for some exotic pets. When they appear ready for this, provide your exotic pet with a sense of excitement by introducing them to other pets and people in your life. Supervise all interactions and offer praise and rewards for everyone’s respectful, open involvement. 

A Whole New World

Over time, you can expand your exotic pet’s surroundings. Bring them to different parts of the home they’ve never seen before (provided it’s safe and fully contained). Give them a chance to really experience this new area and set up activities for them to enjoy. Favorite foods, toys, and mental challenges can be real game-changers.

We Love Exotic Pets

All Critters Veterinary Hospital is happy to help all critters, especially brand new exotic pet patients. We can help address their behaviors, diet, habitat, and ways to promote overall health and wellness. Please call our team at (614) 305-2085 with any questions or concerns.