Preparing Your Exotic Pet for the New Year: Health Checkups and Preventive Care

Regular wellness and preventive care can extend a pet’s life—including our exotic pets! In fact, it might be even more important for them as exotic pets face a variety of health challenges that, if found early, will not shorten your pet’s lifetime.
First Things First
Scheduling a wellness exam for an exotic pet is the best way to understand whether or not they are in tip-top shape. Optimal health is always guaranteed during adoption, and it’s always a good idea to ensure you know exactly how to provide for the pet in your care.
Since exotic pets come in all shapes and sizes, it is critical to stay in front of any possible challenges long before they ever get the chance to develop. Participation at their wellness exam helps to maintain their health for as long as possible.
Pivoting Toward the Future
At All Critters Veterinary Hospital we are excited to meet all types of avian species, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals. As a critical component of their overall health and well-being, we strive to provide owners with the latest information on nutritional guidelines, behavioral needs, and environmental/habitat tips. While we do offer medical and emergency care for exotic pets, we are always available to take on preventive care.
The best time to schedule an exotic pet’s first wellness exam is soon after adoption. Depending on our findings, we may simply recommend a follow up in a year. Some pets benefit from more frequent exams and tests, and may need to come in every 6 months or so.
Check-Ups for Exotic Pets
Routine examinations can reveal problems in need of treatments. Without professional help, symptoms can go unnoticed, if there are any to begin with. Early intervention, diagnosis, and treatment can thwart developing disease and promote longevity and vitality.
A Look at Weight and Diet
Many health problems can be traced to diet and weight. We can help you determine ideal weight and the most appropriate diet plan for your specific exotic pet.
From Tip to Toes
A thorough physical exam can reveal important details of health. A close look at the eyes, nose, mouth/beak, coat/feathers, nails, and other physical features can prompt further discussion of lifestyle, environment/habitat, routine, behavior, nutrition, training, and more. As your pet’s healthcare partner, we aim to help you achieve responsible pet ownership.
Preventive Care for Exotic Pets
Our team at All Critters Veterinary Hospital always looks forward to meeting new and returning exotic pet patients. Please call us at (614) 305-2085 with questions or would like to schedule a wellness exam.