a bearded dragon shedding.

At All Critters Veterinary Hospital, we understand that your reptilian friend’s health is reflected in the vitality of its skin. Shedding is a natural and critical process for reptiles, which allows them to grow and renew their beautiful scales. But sometimes, they need a little help to keep their shimmer.

Let’s explore how you can support your reptile through a healthy shedding process, ensuring they stay as vibrant as the day you first brought them home.

Understanding the Shedding Process

Shedding, or ecdysis, is how reptiles remove their old skin to make way for new, larger skin. This process is not just about growth—it’s a necessary rejuvenation that keeps your reptile’s skin healthy. 

Knowing the signs of shedding can help you provide the best care. Typically, you may notice your reptile’s skin becoming dull and their eye caps turning opaque or a cloudy blue, indicating that shedding is imminent.

Creating the Perfect Environment

To ensure a smooth shedding process, replicating a reptile’s natural habitat is essential. The proper humidity for shedding is species-specific, but maintaining a habitat that mimics their natural environment is key to preventing stuck shed—patches of skin that remain attached. Here’s what you can do:

  • Monitor humidity levels: Use a hygrometer to keep track of humidity and make adjustments as needed.
  • Mist your reptile’s habitat: A light mist can boost humidity, but avoid overdoing it to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Hydration and Handling: A Gentle Approach

Hydration for reptiles is important during shedding. Providing a bowl of water for soaking can aid in skin elasticity, making it easier for them to shed. Gentle handling during shedding is also essential—the process can be uncomfortable, and rough interactions might lead to skin damage. If your reptile does experience stuck shed, here’s how to offer assistance:

  • Increase humidity temporarily: This can help loosen the skin.
  • Provide a shedding aid: Specialty shedding aids, available at reptile supply stores, can be helpful.

Post-Shedding Care

After your reptile has shed, it’s time to do a quick check. Make sure all the old skin has been removed, particularly around sensitive areas like the eyes and the tips of the limbs. Post-shedding care is an excellent time to assess your reptile’s overall health.

Maintaining Reptile Health Beyond Shedding

Shedding is a window into your reptile’s health. A complete, trouble-free shed is an excellent sign. If you encounter repeated issues with shedding, it may be time to examine your reptile’s diet, habitat, and overall care routine. A healthy reptile should shed regularly and without difficulty.

The team at All Critters Veterinary Hospital is dedicated to the well-being of your scaly companions. Shedding is a natural, vital sign of a healthy reptile, and with the proper care, it can be a seamless process. If you’re noticing any challenges or just want to ensure you’re providing the best environment for your reptile’s shedding process, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment or reach out to us for guidance or advice.