fluffy rabbit looking out window.

During this festive and merry time of year, don’t forget that the hustle and bustle may bring new hazards into your home for your animals. In particular, it is important to pay attention to exotic pet safety. With some effort, All Critters Veterinary Hospital knows that your season can be a magical one for you and your pets.

Exotic Pet Holiday Safety Considerations

Having a non-traditional pet always brings a unique set of challenges, but exotic pet holiday safety can be easily overlooked.

Keep your exotic animal safe this season by:

  • Minding chocolate items, which are toxic for many species when ingested 
  • Avoiding aerosoles and perfumes, which can cause irritation or worse to many sensitive respiratory tracts
  • Being careful while cooking—teflon can emit gas that is toxic to birds when inhaled, and hot appliances (and a busy kitchen) can be dangerous to all
  • Avoiding toxic plants such as mistletoe, holly, and poinsettias 
  • Keeping melted wax and liquid potpourris secure from being knocked over or spilled
  • Keeping alcoholic beverages out of reach of curious critters
  • Securing electrical cords from pets who may chew on them or become entangled

Exotic Pets and Holiday Guests

Many of us host parties, gatherings, and guests of all kinds this time of year. The extra commotion can be a lot for our pets, though. It is essential to manage stress for exotic pets when there are visitors.  

Crowds, noise sensitivity in exotic pets, and children can create an intimidating storm for many species. This increased stress can cause sensitive pets to become ill or injured, and it is important to protect them during the hustle and bustle of the season.

Stress management for exotic pets should include:

  • Allowing your pet to remain in a quiet location while visitors are present
  • Making sure that your pet is able to honor their natural instincts 
  • Considering white noise to drown out unfamiliar sounds
  • Avoid forcing your pet to interact with others
  • If your pet is outgoing, be sure that visitors are educated on proper handling
  • Consider moving your pet’s enclosure or utilizing a travel cage while others are over
  • Do not allow exotic pets to interact with children unsupervised
  • Consider boarding your pet if your home will be very chaotic

Keep our contact information close on hand this holiday season. With some knowledge and preparation, it is unlikely that you will need it, but this time of year certainly brings some extra concerns for exotic pet owners.